Monday, August 15, 2011

First Golf Crush

Your first golf love is one you'll never forget. It's engrained in your memory like your first kiss, your first prom or the first time you birdie a hole. My first golf love was Payne Stewart, with his brutally attractive outfits and constantly happy attitude, he drew my attention as a child.  I later moved on to the likes of Fred Couples and Greg Norman and from there the list goes on and on.

My cousin has found that great love this past weekend while at the PGA Championship in Atlanta.  Despite the sweltering heat and intense humidity, she fell in love with Rickie Fowler. I mean really, who can blame her. With his amazing dance skills and movie start dimples, what's not to love. Following in my footsteps of liking someone who defies the odds of fashion, Rickie can pull off the brightest colors with little effort.  Even though he is only 22 (her age will go unmentioned) it's best to remember, a lower number is always better in golf.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Tale of Two Caddies

I guess change can be a good thing, but when it comes to Tiger and Stevie this is one break-up that will take some time to get use to.  It was no surprise that Stevie starting carrying Adam Scott's bag for the last two major tournaments since Tiger didn't play, but I bet he didn't know he was going to need to look for a more permanent position soon. Let's back-up a bit, as you remember I wrote about this a while back, Adam Scott fired long time caddie Tony Navarro right after the Masters where he tied for 2nd, and asked Stevie to carry his bag. The ripple effect of this action is one I didn't see coming.

On Wednesday, Tiger announced on his blog that he would no longer be working with longtime caddie Stevie Williams. With almost $5M in tournament winnings from Tiger, Stevie is said to be one of the most successful caddies of all time, and the best. For someone like Tiger who doesn't like to talk a lot during the match (unlike Lefty who wouldn't find the green without talking to Bones about it first), Stevie offered the perfect amount of advice to help make Tiger the huge success he is today.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pond, and tournament winnings, Adam Scott often got tips from Tony during matches. They were friendly on and off the course but Adam apparently didn't like the advice he was getting or the way he was playing with Tony on his bag.

Who knew that Adam and Tiger were about to join the swingers club, in more ways than one. Adam and Stevie are temporarily together, there has been no announcement made as to whether this will become full time, but when I'm at the PGA Championship next month we'll see if they're walking the course in tandem.

Then there's Tiger. Who is going to carry his bag? Greg Norman seems to think Tony Navarro is a good selection and possibly in the running.  This is all speculation from The Shark and I hope it isn't true- but with that said, Tiger isn't going to take a rookie caddie so he'll have to steal from some on the tour. Looks like Angel Cabrera should start watching his back... and giving Tony a bonus.

So we have it, the tale of two caddies, with my two favorite players and an unknown future.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sad End to a Great Tournament

Well the US Women's soccer team gave it their all on Sunday in the World Cup Finals. In an epic battle against Japan, the game came down to penalty kicks. How almost our whole roster missed their shots is beyond me, but with that said, we shouldn't have even let it get to a PK situation. I mean, if we got points for hitting the post it would have been game over early. Not to take any credit away from Japan, they had a USA vs. Brazil-esque finish to send them into PKs. They played with heart and we just couldn't bring home the trophy.  The good thing that came out of this, our team is more united than they have ever been. I suspect we'll get a full returning roster with the exception of Christie Rampone who is 36 and will most likely retire soon.

Here are some fun facts for you: we have to give the women credit, the World Cup Finals gave ESPN their highest ratings for a soccer game to date with roughly 13.5 million viewers tuning in. That's a lot of people watching a sport that is barely appreciated in the states. In addition to everyone watching, there were roughly 7,196 tweets per second, which is more than the royal wedding. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brazil Who?

Sunday marked the quarterfinal game for USA and Brazil, two teams that have faced each other numerous times in the past, both crediting some of the best players in the world, and the US Team always comes out on top.  So begins the game Sunday morning, within minutes of kick-off Brazil scores an own goal, good thing this isn't Colombia in the 90s or she would have to start looking into witness protection.  USA got momentum early but struggled in the midfield for the majority of the first half and leading into the second. What I don't understand is at halftime announcers were saying how well the US was playing, what I noticed was a lot of sloppy soccer. Don't get me wrong, the team has amazing talent, but I'd like to see them being a bit more proactive, especially going into the Semis.  They need to start stepping up to balls, not waiting for them; need to expand the field instead of playing bunch ball. Enough with the coaching tips.....

66 minutes into the game Rachel Buehler was given a red card for a foul that was bullshit in my mind. To give a PK off that play is just ridiculous. It was an act of authority by the head ref that was unnecessary. Thinking she'd give one back to us or even in OT was wishful thinking, there were numerous fouls in the box against the US that were uncalled.  Marta, the woman (subject to opinion) who is said to be the best in the world right now scored to take the lead with only a few minutes left. Up to their usual sleezy tricks, Brazil started to stall, delay the game, fake injury, and pretty much used any other tactic they had to not let us score.

They failed. Abby scored with less than a minute left in OT to take the US team into a shootout.

Hope Solo I think is the best women's goalkeeper in the world. She proved it this weekend with two PK saves, one during the final shootout saving their hopes (no pun intended, insert overused joke here) of the Cup.

One person who should get more credit than she has so far, is Megan Rapinoe. She set-up Abby for the goal, set-up Lloyd for numerous opportunities, and nailed her PK.

This was a storybook game that had everyone cheering for the US. Now it's time to get their heads back in the game and win on Wednesday morning.  World Cup 2011 is going to USA this year.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ying and Yang

There have definitely been some ups and downs the last month in sports. From NBA and NFL lock-outs to a first time Major tournament winner, a lot has happened and the stage has been set for July.

Women's World Cup:
USA women's soccer has always been a powerhouse, since winning the World Cup in 2009 with probably the most famous team they've ever had including Mia Hamm, Julie Foudy, Brandi Chastain, Kristine Lilly (the list can go on and on).

This year's team is strong, young and extremely talented. Alex Morgan is 21 and the youngest on the team, said to be the next Mia Hamm (not sure that's even possible but looking forward to watching her play), has the speed and the will power to get the job done.  They've won their first game against Korea 2-0 and are now going to take on Colombia on Saturday.

I know England is gloomy but there have been more than a few dark clouds over Wimbledon recently as Roger Federer, both Williams sisters, and Andy Roddick all getting knocked out of competition early.  Whoops!

US Open:
Rory McIlroy- need I say more. I went to the tournament, I saw first hand the competition and can honestly say he earned it.  The field played well, except of course for Phil who started his Thursday round by hitting it off the tee into the water on #10. Everyone is saying that Rory could be the next Tiger, or even better than Tiger, if that happens there is a long road ahead of Rory. But I will say, he did eat his humble pie after The Masters and deserves his place at the top for now.

NBA and NFL lockout:
I'm calling a technical foul on both organizations for rough housing, unsportsmanlike conduct and off-sides (just cause) for not getting past their own egos and greed.  The NBA announced today they are definitely going into a player lockout as they have not been able to come to an agreement on terms. Message to both- shut up and play ball.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Who's Your Caddie?

In an odd turn of events, Stevie Williams will be carrying Adam Scott's bag during the US Open this week at Congressional. As I posted last week, Tiger is out of the Major due to injury, but that doesn't mean his long time caddie Stevie has to sit the bench as well. 

Adam has recently split with his caddie Tony Navarro (not to be confused with Dave Navarro) after he tied for second in The Masters behind Charl Schwartzel. In my experience this is a good move, I don't like Tony much. I talked to him once (and by talked I mean asked him a question) at the President's Cup in San Francisco and he was anything but friendly. 

So the question is, will Stevie stay with Tiger or is this a new job interview with Adam? I think after the 13ish year bromance Tiger and Stevie have, he's not going anywhere.

These two partners in crime will be reunited shortly as soon as Tiger is healthy enough to play.

A tribute to Tiger and Stevie...

 Awkward golf hi-five...

 Besties forever...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No US Open for Tiger

Well, it's official. Tiger Woods just announced that he will not be participating in the US Open at Congressional this year. He is plagued by injury so it does not come as a huge surprise to most golf fans, but is also very sad that he'll continue to drop from the rankings by not competing.  He is saying at this point that he plans to participate in the next two majors- which he better since I'm going to the PGA Championship.  People have also been talking lately about whether or not he'll break Jack's 18 majors record. I think there is no question that he will... but only time will tell and if he keeps getting injured who knows what will happen.  My cousin told me that if you do something for 10,000 hours that you're considered an expert. Not only is Tiger an expert but he also has the mindset to get through some tough challenges (i.e. winning the US Open in 2008 with a broken leg).  To confirm- my answer is yes, he will break the famous 18 major record.

Get Well Soon Tiger!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Heat, Mavs... and a Tattoo?

The time has come for the 2011 NBA Finals. It's the Mavericks vs the Heat to see who the best team is, both have all-star casts so it'll be a race to the finish line this year.  It's nice to see two teams in the finals who aren't the Lakers. So who will win overall? We'll just have to wait and see...

With that said, looks like Jason Terry thinks they'll win. Back in the Fall Mavericks player DeShawn Stevenson hosted a get together before the season started, including a personal chef, drinks and of course... his tattoo artist. I mean, really? Terry ended up getting a tattoo of the NBA Championship trophy, with the belief they would win. It looks like he's having better luck with this tattoo so far than most couples who tattoo the name of their boyfriend/girlfriend somewhere and break up shortly after.

I hope they win so he doesn't think twice about the new ink.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What Were They Thinking?

One of the notorious things about athletes is that there is always some sort of scandal or drama happening with them or around them. It's sometimes ironical like when Plaxico shot himself in the leg, or hateful like the infamous Michael Vick. If we solely focus on the NFL in the last few months, there have been a number of crazy things happening, not even including the league lockout.

These players have done things so weird it makes you think to yourself, seriously, what were they thinking? 
  • Albert Haynesworth (Redskins)- was indicted for sexual assault for allegedly fondling his server, which could land him up to 6 months in jail and $1,000 fine. And to make matters worse, he is also currently facing charges in Virginia for allegedly punching a man during a road-rage assault. Anyone feel like having him over for dinner? Didn't think so.
  • Brandon Marshall (Dolphins) - last month he was taken to the hospital after a domestic dispute that left him with a stab wound to the stomach. Reports say he was stabbed by his wife with a kitchen knife and underwent emergency surgery.  Hopefully he has a quick recovery and never cheats on her again.
  • Reggie Bush (TBD)- Reggie has been injured most of his career and has still managed to win a Super Bowl and lose a Heisman trophy. Busy guy. His latest hiccup comes on the heels of the NFL draft after the Saints (who drafted him out of USC) made a trade to secure first round pick Mark Ingram (Alabama). Ingram is an amazing running back and is one of only give players who have won a BCS Championship and Heisman Trophy in the same year. Following the draft announcement Reggie tweeted "It’s been fun New Orleans", sounds like someone is pouting and looking for attention. There is room for everyone, play nice. 
  • Rashard Mendenhall (Steelers) - Twitter attacks again with Mendenhall after he tweeted anti-American comments following the assassination of Osama Bin Laden.  I don't think anything more needs to be said here.
There you have it, the start a wonderful 2011 season which can only hope to bring more of the NFL's version of the Darwin Awards.

    Tuesday, April 26, 2011

    D Day is Almost Here

    As a fan of the Arizona Cardinals, the NFL draft day is huge. I love my team but we have been without a decent quarterback since Kurt Warner retired to dance with the stars. Two days from now the fate of the 2011 season (if there is one) will be decided. We need a strong QB. As much as I would love to see my boy Cam Newton (Auburn, QB) playing for the Cardinals, we need someone who has a stronger arm so we can leverage Larry Fitzgerald. In that case, many people, including ESPN's Todd McShay who thinks Cam will go to the Panthers, think we'll get Blaine Gabbert (Missouri, QB).Who? Yes, the QB from Missouri.

    On the defensive side I'd love to see Nick Fairley (Auburn, DT) get picked up by Arizona, but more realistically he will get drafted by the Tennessee Titans.

    Now it's time to wait and see what happens...

    Thursday, April 21, 2011

    It's Playoff Time

    Whether you're a hockey fan or a basketball fan you're in luck- it's time for playoffs! This is one of the best times of year, especially if your team is contending.  Enter, the San Jose Sharks. Tuesday night was game 3 in the playoff series against the Los Angeles Kings (not to be confused with the basketball Kings who are no where near the playoffs). Sharks were down 0-4 in LA and miraculously came back to win in sudden death 6-5. How could you not get excited about that! I'll tell you- because it means we've played in two overtime games and we'll be exhausted after this series as we meet Red Wings who swept the Coyotes. They'll be nice and rested by the time we meet them next round. Either way, I'm happy about the win.

    So... basketball. Unfortunately my Phoenix Suns aren't in the playoffs this year but that doesn't mean there aren't great teams playing. For one, the New York Knicks. It's nice to see Mike D'Antoni back in the playoffs after a few year hiatus, along with Amar'e Stoudemire who deserves to get a championship ring at some point. Granted, I would have preferred they both stayed with the Suns but too late now.  Unfortunately they are down 0-2 in that series against the Boston Celtics and both Chauncey Billups and Amar'e are injured. Think Melo and Turiaf can carry the team on their own? Survey says it's not looking good.... there's always next year.

    Next we have the Orlando Magic, as I mentioned months ago I think this is a team to watch this season. They're tied in the series right now 1-1 against the Atlanta Hawks. But really, when's the last time Atlanta was in the finals... my vote is with the Magic.

    Lastly, I'm rooting for New Orleans, not only because I like the city and I like Chris Paul... but I also hate the Lakers. Enough said. Go Hornets.

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Quite the Masters Finish

    Well, if you're not a fan of watching golf because it seems to be boring, you obviously did not watch Sunday of the Masters. What a wild ride for about 10 different players, who all had a shot at winning on Sunday after Rory McIlroy gave up his two stroke lead.

    Let's start from the beginning. It started with Tiger hunting the #1 spot with an eagle on 8 and shooting a 31 on the front nine. It was great to see the old Tiger back again, fist pumps and all. He made clutch putts on the front but unfortunately just couldn't close on the back nine. I think he's almost back, his drives and irons are dialed-in and after shooting a 66 on Friday and a 67 on Sunday (his best Sunday round at Augusta ever), he's about to bring home the win.

    Now let's talk about Adam Scott. One of my favorite moments was Sunday afternoon when the scoreboard read Tiger Woods, Adam Scott- first and second place... let's take a moment to let that one sink in. I am now totally on board with the long putter. Adam had a very slow and steady tournament and got fired up on Saturday and Sunday shooting back to back 67s. He held the lead at one point but couldn't close the deal and lost to Charl Schwartzel in the end.

    And now a moment for the best forearms in golf....

    So what happened to Rory? Most people think that Rory cracked under the pressure of being only 21 and holding the lead for 3 days at the Masters. I don't agree, I think that after Friday you could tell he was going to crack. His putting struggled on Saturday and he was too arrogant going into the season. With early interviews criticizing Tiger, I think this was the piece of humble pie that Rory had to eat to bring his ego back to where it should be. Moving forward I think Rory will start to respect the game more and respect those players who have handled the pressure and won a major.... or 14. 

    And where was Phil? After four days of constant Masters coverage, I think I saw Phil about twice. But if you're really curious where he was, he spent it tied at one under with Matsuyama, an amateur from Japan.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Masters Week- Pairings

    Today the Masters announced Round 1 and 2 pairings at Augusta. There are some great match-ups for Thursday and Friday this week so it should be an exciting first few days.

    To pay tribute to these match-ups, I've taken to the age old tradition of senior superlatives. Enjoy the Masters class of 2011, Round 1 Pairings:
    • Most Likely to Succeed: Tiger Woods, Graeme McDowell, Robert Allenby
    • Most Attractive: Adam Scott, Dustin Johnson, Nick Watney
    • Class Clown: Angel Cabrera, Ian Poulter, David Toms
    • Most Athletic: Martin Kaymer, Lee Westwood, Matt Kuchar
    • Life of the Party: Fred Couples, Luke Donald, Steve Stricker
    • Best Dressed: Rory McIlroy, Rickie Fowler (Puma), Jason Day
    • Most Likely to Join the Peace Corps: Padrig Harrington, Ryo Ishikawa, Bill Haas
    • Most School (Tour) Spirit: Bubba Watson, Paul Casey, Edoardo Molinari
    • Most Dependable: Hunter Mahan, Ernie Els, Francesco Molinari
    • Most Popular: Tom Watson, Ricky Barnes, Jason Bohn

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    It's Masters Week

    The best thing about the beginning of April is without a doubt The Masters. Yes, Spring is here, the sun is finally out (if you're lucky) and summer is on the horizon. But, there is nothing like the anticipation of what will happen at Augusta National on that fateful weekend in April, when the best of the best come out and play with the world watching. It is prestigious, it's in mint condition and it's the same... year after year.

    I'm looking forward to someone other than Lefty wearing the green jacket and being highlighted in most of the coverage. I still think Tiger has a shot at winning, if he can get his game together he'll be the one to watch. Also, looking forward to how Adam Scott plays the course, he has been fixing his game the last year, and now with the long putter he has a chance at throwing up a great scorecard.

    It's Masters Week!

    Thursday, March 31, 2011

    Ryo is Ready to Help Japan

    It's amazing what someone at the young age of 19 can do to help out when there is trouble. Ryo Ishikawa, a 19 year old golfer from Japan has announced that he will donate ALL of his 2011 winnings to the relief efforts in Japan. He has already earned 3.3 Million pounds on the Japanese tour alone, and the season is just starting.  He is a young player, he's been the one to watch for a few years, he has swagger and his own personal style. If you check out his bag, Ryo has a club cover that looks just like him, maybe he'll start selling those and give the earnings to charity also.

    Congrats on being a generous and talented young man, Ryo.

    Friday, March 25, 2011

    Wildcat Victory- Redemption is Sweet

    I can believe it but I also can't believe it. Redemption has never felt so sweet as it did last night when the Arizona Wildcats dominated over the Duke Blue Devils in the Sweet 16 round of the NCAA Tournament. All day the announcers (except Charles Barkley), were talking about how Duke will win, they'll guard Willams and take him out of the game, forcing Arizona to use their bench. Well, that plan failed. Derrick Williams scored 25 points in the first half including a 3-pointer to go into the halftime. So much for taking him out of the game. Arizona not only physically beat Duke, but we mentally beat them as well. Coach K's team was shaken, distracted and completely off their game. Did they think this was going to be a walk in the park?

    Back in 2001 when Arizona lost to Duke in the Championship game, Tucson was heartbroken. The city rioted, fans were distraught and we all began to hate Duke.  Last night that was all swept under the rug. It would have been nice if this were the Championship game, but I'll take a spot in the Elite 8 and call the slate cleaned.

    Congrats to all the Wildcats out there who are proud, excited and I'm sure hungover!

    UConn- You're next!

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Painful Ending in Triple OT

    Last night the Suns played the Lakers, a flashback to the regional playoffs last year when these two teams went back and forth winning games, trying to secure a spot in the next round. In the end, the Lakers won the series and won the Championship. I always say it's better to lose to the best than to lose to another loser, but still- it hurts. Last night in a triple overtime game, the first one the Lakers have hosted since 1969, with a combined score of 267, the Lakers once again took home the victory. I hate the Lakers. I think they are the Real Madrid of the NBA, they overpay their players and have an arrogance about them that puts a stink on the court.  It speaks volumes about the organization that the press is often more interested in which celebrities are in the crowd instead of who is playing the game.

    Let's talk about something more fun, like the Suns. It is awesome to see how Channing Frye continues to step-up for this team and make the shots that really count. Even coming off an injury he never fails to amaze. It was also great to see him nail 3pt shots over the head of fellow Arizona alum Luke Walton. Steve Nash, Vince Carter and Grant Hill all had great games, but it was the Arizona bench who held strong against the Lakers. Aaron Brooks (who you might remember was the star of the Oregon team 3 years ago), Hakim Warrick, Mickael Pietrus and Marcin Gortat helped the team get to OT. The Suns are 2.5 games behind the playoffs and with only a few games left, I still have faith they'll pull it off. Now that Nash and Frye are back in full force, it's time to make the final run at victory.

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Another Close One for the Cats

    March Madness has been crazy, a lot of upsets, a lot of close games and a lot of buzzer beaters. Namely, both Arizona games so far this tournament. First up, a buzzer beater block from Williams in game one against Memphis. Next up, a buzzer beater shot from Williams against number four seed Texas. Anyone else seeing a pattern here. Williams steps-up when it counts. Despite missing multiple clutch free throws and unnecessary off basket fouls, he managed to save the day in the end with a win. Go Cats! Can't wait to beat Duke and get redemption for the loss they handed us in the Finals in 2001- which then caused Tucson to riot. Thursday cannot come soon enough.

    Other major shockers, Pitt losing yesterday to Butler. There goes my bracket. With a final second foul to send Butler back to the line, Pitt got knocked out. Damn.

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    I Don't Like Duke but I Like Grant Hill

    ESPN's 30 for 30 recently had an episode called The Fab Five about the Michigan players from 1991-93 including Jalen Rose, Chris Webber, Jimmy King, Ray Jackson and Juwan Howard.  In the documentary, they addressed players who were at Duke during the same time (enter Grant Hill), calling them "Uncle Tom's". I'll leave a minute for that to digest.......

    Now, Grant Hill. He is obviously shocked by the comments and offended, as he should be. In response to these statements made, Grant Hill wrote a contributed article for The New York Times college sports blog, The Quad. It is well written, addresses all the issues at hand, doesn't attack anyone and overall gets an A in my book. The only thing I don't like about it.... the fact that he did actually go to Duke (Go Wildcats!). Otherwise, Grant represents himself, his family, his alumni and The Suns well with this piece.

    You can read it here:

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    March Madness is Pure Madness

    It's that time of year again, March Madness has begun!! It is always fun to be a college basketball fan in March, especially if you are an alumni of a school that is actually playing in the tournament. I was fortunate enough to go to University of Arizona, which means I know who I'm picking in the tournament this year. As I'm sure people across the country are doing also, I finished my brackets today. So many choices, so many upsets that are bound to happen- but who will it be? Whose hopes and dreams will be crushed as a top seed losing in round 1? I am torn because I hope it's Duke who loses in round 1, but then I won't be able to see my Wildcats get revenge for the 2001 loss to Duke in the finals. We'll just have to wait and see.

    Good luck to everyone with your brackets!

    Taking Home #5

    I'm calling it now, Tiger will take home his 5th win at The Masters this year... on my birthday weekend. Really, it's all I'm asking for... is that too much?  His game has been improving the last few weeks, he's focused, and as long as he keeps his shoulders level and his head down he'll win. Let's remember he tied for 4th at the Masters last year, his first tournament back. Augusta National is a course he knows well, and plays well.

    We'll have to wait and see but I think this will be happening again.....

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Cadillac Championship

    What a wet and wild start it was to the Cadillac Championship today in Florida.  It started out okay before a huge storm came in and delayed the tournament a few hours. Once play resumed it got very fun to watch. Some highlights so far include:
    • Adam Scott using the long putter- looks ridiculous. I love him, this is not a secret, but he's too cute and young to be using that. He says he likes it better but we'll see how long it lasts in his bag.
    • Rory McIlroy- dropped 50lb weight on his foot last night working out. It might have been his first time lifting... ever. Maybe it was karma for not keeping his mouth shut about Tiger all those times. Respect your elders Rory.
    • Rickie Fowler is wearing pink and white again, love the Puma.
    • Tiger is amazing, as always. Just starting off slow and needs to pick up his game a bit.
    • Aren't you not allowed to bury your feet in the bunker? Someone should tell Lefty that.
    More to report later as the tournament continues.... in the meantime, here is what the damage looked like today on the course after the morning storm.

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Kelly Slater- KS10

    It's amazing that Kelly Slater has won his 10th World Title, created an industry for a sport that some people don't even recognize, and is still going strong. Fans would like to see recognition for all of his accomplishments after being in the sport for so many years. Facebook fans have created a site dedicated to getting Kelly on the cover of these famed magazines titled, "Get Kelly Slater on the Cover of Sports Illustrated and ESPN Magazine." Of course, I joined this group immediately! I wonder if he isn't on the cover because someone on the Quicksilver PR team is not doing their job correctly, or if it's something personal from SI/ESPN Mag... I guess we'll never know. Maybe I'll apply for a job at Quicksilver with the single goal of getting Kelly on the cover, and then calling it a day.

    In the meantime, I hope Kelly wins his 11th this year and really sticks it to them.

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Get Well Soon Channing Frye

    The Suns have had a rocky season. For a team who usually dominates, they have had a semi-lackluster season- and that's coming from their #1 fan. I love the Suns, and always will, so I will stand by them through thick and thin... i.e. the 2010-11 season. They had a less than .500 season until a few weeks ago and have gone on an amazing win streak with the help of my favorite UofA alum, Channing Frye. Channing has averaged 12.3 points and 6.6 rebounds this season and has been clutch hitting a number of last second 3 point game winners. And then it happened. He got hurt last night against Oklahoma City. NOOOO. We are staring the playoffs in the face and now our clutch guy is hurt. They are reporting he will be out for a few weeks with a dislocated shoulder.

    I hope he has a speedy recovery and is back on the court in no time. Meanwhile, maybe he'll make the trip down to Tucson to cheer on our Alumni Wildcats during the Pac-10 tournament and March Madness.

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    No Football?

    Time is running out for the NFL and NFLPA to come to an agreement and save the 2011-12 football season. Negotiations have been going on for months, and no progress has been made. I'm sure this happens a lot, players want more money, owners want more money and no one wants to share. If that were just the case this time, I'd care less than I do now because many leagues have gone on strike over greed. There was the NHL lockout in 2004-05, NBA was locked out until February for the 1998-99 season, and MLB was on strike in 1994-95 canceling close to 1,000 games. All of these have since returned with as many fans as they had before. People still love to watch sports, they love competition, and they'll watch football when it starts again..... eventually.

    One major concern this time around though, is the longer season with less medical benefits for retired players. The league is asking that players have two extra games in regular season, but will not increase benefits for retired players who may get more injured during those games. So essentially they're saying, "go slam your head into a brick wall for another 2 games this year, but don't worry- you probably won't get a concussion." hhmmm.

    Another concern: how am I suppose to win fantasy football three years in a row if there is no season??

    Guess we'll just have to wait for the midnight ET deadline tonight to see how things play out.

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    Match Play Under Way

    This week in Tucson the Accenture Match Play matches up 64 of the best golfers in the world. This is a great tournament for a few reasons, it's set in Tucson so the landscape is beautiful, and there are brackets. I mean, it's like March Madness for golf. I of course have my brackets filled out and posted in my cube, I'll revisit on Sunday and see how well I did.

    After a delayed start for the day due to frost, there have a been a few surprises so far after day one:
    • Stewart Cink came out as his old British Open winning self and beat returning Accenture champion Ian Poulter in 19 holes.
    • Mark Wilson beat big hitter Dustin Johnson in 19 holes, facing Bubba Watson next- the second biggest hitter on the tour
    • Steve Stricker lost to youngster Matteo Manassero who is definitely someone to keep an eye on this season
    • Ryan Palmer takes out 2010 FedEx Cup winner Jim Furyk 
    Tiger is currently in extra holes and needs to win this round to hold his 3rd place spot on the tour. Quite nerve racking.

    Update: Too soon to talk about Tiger. Hope his hand is okay :-(

    Who Wants Carmelo?- The Knicks

    It's official. Carmelo Anthony has been signed by the Knicks, joining Amar'e in New York. They haven't been to the playoffs since 2004 but it looks like the Knicks will be making a comeback this year if they can keep up the good work. This weekend will be a testament to the new team when they take on the Heat this Sunday.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

    Who Wants Carmelo?

    With only a few days left before the trade deadline, teams are swirling over who will get Carmelo Anthony. He's been reportedly in trade talks for a few months now, and the teams have been narrowed down to just a few, notably the Knicks and the Lakers. Two teams with seemingly opposite past few seasons. Last year the Knicks had a losing record (28-52), they had a new coach (albeit a great coach with Mike D'Antoni) and no dominate players. This year, they are having a winning season, they have already tied their wins for last year (28-26) and have Amar'e Stoudemire leading the team.

    Let's look at the Lakers. They were awesome last year, running over teams all season long and taking home the Championship. This year, they are still winning but they aren't the same team we've seen in the past. Could it be that Kobe is getting old? Is Phil Jackson losing his touch? Are they not paying the refs as much as they use to? (kidding). Either way, Carmelo could make a definite impact on both these teams.

    During interviews for the All-Star Weekend, Carmelo says he is still not definite on where he will be playing, and that he is open to staying in Denver. He also confirms that the Nuggets have been talking to the Nets, Knicks, Lakers and Mavericks.

    I'd like to see him go to New York and play with Amar'e and D'Antoni. He could do a lot for the franchise there.

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    Crimson Tide Turned Tree Killers

    It's hard to believe that a rivalry can take such drastic turns. It's one thing to kidnap the mascot or TP the frat house, but killing 130 year old campus oak trees... that's just mean. This is exactly what happened at Toomer's Corner at Auburn University, the place where students, alumni and Tiger fans roll the trees after team victories. I've been there, I've rolled Toomer's, and for someone to kill those trees is just mean. Did I mention the guy who did it most likely went to Alabama, he called into a radio show and said, "Roll Damn Tide" before hanging up, the phrase used by Alabama fans. All I have to say, War Eagle!

    I hope the trees survive, if not, the guilty is facing up to 10 years in jail... interesting since Michael Vick killed dogs not trees and didn't get that much time.

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Heat Triple Threat

    Last night the Heat played the Pacers in what ended up being a three man show. In the beginning of the season, with trade negotiations finally being finished and the Heat having their triple threat team put together, people thought they would dominate...and they've definitely put on a show. The Heat have a winning record and have three of the best players in the NBA on their side, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh and LeBron James. Last night there was a glimpse of what could happen with this team if these guys have a year of playing together under their belt. The three players had a combined 90 of 110 points for the game. Astounding, especially since D-Wade had 31 points in the first half.

    As impressive as the individual players are, right now I would love to see someone take down the Spurs. They've only lost 9 games this season, ridiculous. Not that this has anything to do with their insane record, but I'm having flashbacks of a little ref scandal that happened a few years back and which teams were impacted. If you're a Suns fan like me you'll still have nightmares about that game against the Spurs in the playoffs. I'll leave it at that.

    Monday, February 14, 2011

    Should Tigers Spit?

    This weekend was the Dubai Desert Classic, and what a crazy weekend it was for golf. The leader board was solid all weekend, with a few guys within striking distance of the leader up until Sunday afternoon. Tiger played well, eagled 18 on day one, shot under par until Sunday and generally showed us some of those great Tiger moments we've missed. He had a little breakdown on Sunday shooting over par and ending the day 7 off the leader.

    Speaking of the leader, Alvaro Quiros dominated this weekend. His scorecard for Sunday was very colorful, with 2 eagles (neither of which were on a par 5) and a double bogey. He had a hole in one on the back 9 that was unbelievable. As much as I love Tiger, Alvaro definitely deserved to take this one home.

    So... what's with the spitting? I mean, they're in the desert and camels spit all the time right? Well apparently on the European Tour you aren't suppose to spit on the golf course. I didn't know this rule until Tiger was fined yesterday for spitting on the course (he has since apologized via Twitter). This is where I think the rules get ridiculous, essentially they say it is not the way golfers should act. Well, what about John Daly then. I say his ridiculous pants should get him thrown off the tour. So if John Daly can wear those outfits, I think Tiger can spit when he needs to.

    To leave you, here is a shot of Quiros with what looks like a fake set of the Emerald City in front of him.

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    AT&T Pro-Am

    The AT&T Pro-Am starts this weekend, pairing some amazing golfers with some fun celebrities who can hold their own on the course. Last year there was a high professional turnout since the US Open was being held at Pebble Beach, they all wanted to get their practice time in a few months before the big day. This year, the top 3 players (Westwood, Kaymer and Tiger) will be paired together in Dubai leaving a big opportunity for Dustin Johnson to take home another PB victory.

    For the celebrities this year, there are some old school players who have participated in this tournament for years and years, including Kevin Costner, Andy Garcia and Bill Murray (who has been known to bring blow-up floaties to the course). Filling out the roster from the professional athletes are Brandi Chastain, Matt Cain, Tony Romo and Kelly Slater (bringing together two of my favorite things, golf and Kelly). Last year, he was delayed on the course because he was distracted by the huge waves crashing on the rocks, guess he was debating on finishing the hole or jumping into the water with his board. Oscar De La Hoya is also playing but since I don't consider boxing a sport, I won't officially include him on this list.

    Going to be a great weekend for golf!

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Hawaii Sports- Aloha!

    It's no wonder surfers like Kelly Slater and Joel Parkinson are praised for how in shape they are (i.e. hot). As I learned last weekend, surfing is very hard and a great workout. It takes a lot of balance and upper body strength to paddle out past the break... and you're not done there. Then you have to actually paddle yourself into a wave. It was exhausting and amazing at the same time. Quite the experience. I've now have surf dreams every night and want to take another trip to the warm tropical weather to try it out again.

    If you're not as inclined to charge waves, I recommend stand-up paddle boarding.  This is super fun, a great workout also. Little less risky if you stay in calm waters for those more afraid of the ocean.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Key to the City?

    I have been away for a few days, relaxing in Hawaii (more on that later), and come back to find the Mayor of Dallas gave Michael Vick a key to the city! This is ridiculous if you ask me. What has he done to earn this, he doesn't even play for Dallas.

    All I have to say is Mayor Caraway must not like dogs.

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    NBA All-Stars

    February not only marks the beginning of the great PGA tournaments, prime NHL playing time and the Super Bowl... it also means it's time for the NBA All-Star Tournament! There is a lot going on in the NBA right now so it's an interesting time to look away from the drama and watch some awesome dunk competitions and the creme de la creme compete against each other. So far we have Lakers threatening trades cause they've lost a few games (cry babies if you ask me). Ron Artest is top of that list since he's pretty much asking to be traded. Next you have Dirk who is telling everyone he'll go play in Europe if there is a League strike next season. If he does this, he'll be subject to major NBA fines (not that he probably cares, pocket change for him).

    Despite the current issues, there are some crazy things to look forward to with the All-Star weekend- including watching Blake Griffin in the dunk contest. Going to be amazing.

    Also, I might have to root for the East, since there are no Suns starting on the West (cause we're old and don't want to get hurt) and I really like the Magic and Knicks lately. Interesting to see who will win.

    Monday, January 31, 2011

    Arizona on the Charts

    Week 13 in college basketball has turned out to be one to remember for UofA- we're now in the top 25! According to the AP, Arizona is currently ranked 21st in the league with an 18-4 record (tied for best in the Pac-10). This is the best my Wildcats have been in a long time. It's exciting to see the post Lute Olson team find success, it's much deserved.

    This will also make my March Madness brackets way better if Arizona keeps playing well (as long as there is no repeat of the 2001 finals against Duke- don't know if I could handle that again).

    Arizona has had a history for breeding great players, taking a look back at all the UofA players who are currently in the NBA... and doing well. Luke Walton (LA Lakers), Gilbert Arenas (Orlando Magic), Channing Frye (Phoenix Suns) and Richard Jefferson (San Antonio Spurs) to name a  few. So what if Gilbert pretended to be hurt to let his rookie buddy get more playing time.

    Bear Down, Arizona!

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    The Tiger and The Puma

    Day 1 of the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines is complete. There are a lot of guys close to the lead, Tiger is only 5 off the leader shooting a 3 under 69 yesterday on the North Course. Today, he'll tee off the South Course at 10am alongside AK and Rocco, who he beat in 2008 on this same course in a playoff.  Tiger looks strong, he's losing strokes on the par 5s, but hopefully the Santa Anna winds won't impact his play too much today and he'll gain a few strokes on the leader. I'm still pulling for him to win! Shocker I know.

    If you're wondering who the Puma is... you have obviously not seen a golf tournament in the last year. Rickie Fowler is one of the best up and coming golfers. He is young, strong, and very capable of being a dominate presence on the tour- and this isn't buzz like when Sergio Garcia was suppose to be the next hot thing- Rickie can actually do it. He has been pegged as the guy to beat this weekend and is proving that with a 7 under on his first day, one shot off the leader. 

    Can't wait to see how these two do today.

    And if you're still confused about Puma, here is Rickie Fowler... often seen wearing head-to-toe bright colored Puma gear as his main sponsor.

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    Return to Torrey Pines

    Tomorrow is the first day of the 2011 season that Tiger Woods will be competing on the PGA Tour, and he's once again chosen Torrey Pines as the backdrop. It's crazy how much has happened in the last few years with Tiger, recovering from injury, that whole cheating thing, and making a rough return to golf in 2010 with a lot of skepticism. I know it is not a popular opinion, but I don't think his personal life should have been scrutinized as much as it was.  There are many other athletes who actually break the law (looking at you Michael Vick) who have an easier return to their game than Tiger did.

    Would be great to see Tiger dominate this weekend and win one more time at Torrey Pines, and start working his way back to #1.

    More to come....get excited!!

    Chad Who?

    Chad Johnson Ochocinco is now changing his name again back to his birth name, Chad Johnson. Wow, this is definitely (not) news. This is an attention play, and not a good one. I think at this point, no one cares what his name is, especially Cincinnati. If he stays with the team he has to pay the cost for all the unsold Ochocinco jerseys. Wonder if that means they're trying to get rid of him in the off season, guess we'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, enjoy the new/old name Mr. Johnson.

    Monday, January 24, 2011

    Ode to Kelly Slater

    It's about time the mainstream media loved Kelly Slater as much as I do (and have since I was about 12). He is currently on the cover of Outside Magazine and GQ, an issue featuring the Top 25 Coolest Athletes of All Time. Kelly is one of the few who got a solo cover, along with Arnold Palmer (I mean, the man has a drink named after him- pretty cool), Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Tom Brady (despite his attitude, playing style, haircut and overall personality... not to mention Kelly dated his wife) to name a few.

    Kelly not only was the youngest World Champion surfer when he won in 1992, but is also the oldest to win a World Championship- number 10 finding its way to his trophy shelf this year at the age of 38. In addition to being a surfer and musician, he's also an amazing golfer with a 2 handicap.

    With all these accomplishments, I wonder why Sports Illustrated and ESPN Magazine have not put him on the cover... ever. He just received his second Guinness Book of World Record for most career wins in his sport, he's dominated for multiple decades and is rated by most to be the #1 best athlete of all time (over his colleagues on the other GQ covers). Maybe it's because ESPN and SI don't consider surfing a sport? On surfing barely even falls under "More Sports",  you can find it by hunting through the action sports tab.

    Next on my to-do list is to figure out a way to get him on the cover. I'll have to see what PR tactics I can utilize to make this happen.

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Tiger is Back

    Looks like Tiger will officially start his PGA season at Torrey Pines next weekend, not a surprise to anyone who has followed his career- Tiger has won the last 5 times he has played here, including the 2008 US Open. As you might remember, this went into a playoff against Rocco Mediate. Tiger had a broken knee at the time and still won. If I had a broken knee, I don't know that I'd even go watch golf, let alone play. Then again, when I play I don't make millions of dollars.

    Can't wait to see how Tiger plays, my guess is with his new swing coach he'll find his groove again and dominate 2011.

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    Aloha PGA- Enjoy the Rain

    Yesterday was suppose to mark the opening day for the PGA Tour at the Sony Open in Waialae, Hawaii. But mother nature decided it was not time to golf yet and threw a rain storm that direction.  With a two day washout, players will play 36 holes on Sunday to make-up for the lost time.  Some fun facts while we wait for the players to start... the Sony Open is the first full field tournament of the season, with 143 top golfers hanging ten in the tropical state. Noticeably missing is Dustin Johnson, who pulled out of the tournament days before it started, shortly after news that he is dating LPGA player Natalie Gulbis surfaced. hhmmm.

    Can't wait to see Adam Scott win this one. The Aussie has been playing great and I am calling it now that this will be his year to shine (along with Tiger)

    Wednesday, January 12, 2011


    Sometimes it takes 53 years to win.  Monday night's victory over the Oregon Ducks was a "hold your breath" game, right up until the final seconds when Auburn won with a field goal.  Coming to work Tuesday, in a city that is very Pac-10 focused, proved to be difficult. There were a lot of people saying Auburn didn't deserve the call in favor of Dyer in the final minutes of the game, that in fact his hand was down. I know this is just frustration showing as it was obvious Dyer was not down on the play.

    For a team who has been widely criticized for being a one-man team with Cam Newton, they sure proved everyone wrong in the BCS Championship game. Nick Fairley was dominant on defense stopping multiple plays on the goal line. Then you have true freshman Michael Dyer (who wears #5 in honor of his father who passed away when he was 5 years old), who finished with 143 yards and was chosen Offensive Player of the Game ahead of Cam.

    Not to diminish Cam's play at all, he played amazing while suffering through back pain, and managed to take home the victory anyway.  Winning the Heisman Trophy and the BCS Championship game in the same year, Cam Newton is now only the 3rd player to do this, joining the ranks with Matt Leinart (USC, 2004) and Mark Ingram (Alabama, 2009).

    With an amazing college football season behind us, it is time to look ahead to the next college sport to focus on, Men's Basketball and the Arizona Wildcats! Bear Down!

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    Game Day

    It's here, it's finally the BCS Championship game day, Auburn Tigers vs Oregon Ducks! It's a battle of offenses. There has been a lot of speculation and discussion over who is the more deserving team... obviously it's the Auburn Tigers.

    Can't wait to see how tonight plays out, and see Oregon fans' hopes and dreams diminishing across the West Coast.


    Friday, January 7, 2011

    Feeling Lucky?

    Andrew Luck, Quarterback for Stanford and Heisman Trophy Nominee, has announced he will not be entering the NFL draft. Some think this is a good call, most think this is a bad idea. His reasoning is he wants to graduate from Stanford with his Architecture degree. Really? Ask Tiger what he thinks about leaving Stanford to pursue an athletic career, then tell everyone its for your education and see who believes you. He's a sophomore, so when he enters the draft after next season, people will continue to question his reasoning. Other speculative ideas, a. he doesn't want to play for Carolina who has said they would draft him with their first round draft pick should he be eligible. b.  He wanted to play another year with Harbaugh- that plan failed since Harbaugh just signed a 5 year contract with the Niners. c. he is playing another year to wait until the NFL strike is over. d. He is playing another year so he can win the Heisman.

    Don't know what his real reasons are for not entering the draft, but I hope he is feeling Lucky.

    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    Heisman Class 2005 Five Year Reunion- Where are They Now?

    Historically, Heisman Trophy winners go on to have successful careers, not always, but mostly. I'd imagine if you looked back at the records, each Heisman class had a few gems in it. Then you look at the class of 2005, a group of young men who have seen their fair share of hardships in the NFL, not as easy as college was it boys?

    Here are some of the athletes of the Heisman Class of 2005, let's see where they are today shall we?

    1. Reggie Bush- USC, Running Back- Heisman Award Winner
    Reggie has been wildly successful with the New Orleans Saints, has one Super Bowl ring on his finger and has 2100 career rushing yards. He also has been injured for the majority of 2010 season and had to return his Heisman Trophy for reasons that had nothing to do with his athletic ability.

    2. Vince Young- Texas, Quarterback
    He has struggled over the years with his personal and professional life but sadly it has been announced that Vince Young is being released from the Tennessee Titans after this season. It's always sad to see a QB with potential get released. So, where will he go next? Probably get picked up as second string to a team that has an older, seasoned QB.

    3. Matt Leinart- USC, Quarterback
    Drafted to Arizona Cardinals after impregnating a young blond co-ed. He started with the Cardinals for pre-season and was quickly replaced by Kurt Warner who took AZ to the Super Bowl in 2008. After Kurt retired to be on Dancing with the Stars, Matt got his starting position back. After pre-season he was demoted again to second string and then quickly traded to Houston as their third string QB. Without the insane offensive line he had at USC, I don't think Matt will ever be successful in the NFL. Magic 8 Ball says: actual career is a long shot.

    4. Brady Quinn- Notre Dame, Quarterback
    Brady had so much more potential to be a cover model but turned his good looks into a sports career instead. Now as the second string QB for Denver, he is behind an actual Heisman Trophy winner, Tim Tebow. Brady also has Kyle Orton breathing down his neck for the starting position so it will be interesting next year to see how these three QBs get along. Think they get beers together after the game? Doubtful.

    There you have it folks.

    Tigers Eat Ducks

    The teams have arrived in Arizona, practices have started, and I have a ticket to Phoenix. Too bad it's not for the big football game. I've been starting to hear some trash talking from my friends who went to Oregon and think they have a chance against the Auburn Tigers. Cam Newton has done an amazing job distancing himself from the drama that has been created around his dad and rule violations, so the hype of the BCS Championship will be a cake walk when it comes to his concentration and dedication to win.

    I'll have a lot more on this topic but for now... it's time to start getting scared Oregon fans!

    Tigers are taking over the desert